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127 midi Progam Change(PC) on a Stream Deck page

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127 midi Progam Change(PC) on a Stream Deck page Empty 127 midi Progam Change(PC) on a Stream Deck page

Post by lionoil Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:51 pm

Hello ! Here is a little contribution that was possible thanks to this incredible midi plugin made by Trevliga !!

127 midi Progam Change(PC) on a Stream Deck page Stream12

It allow to change PC from 1 to 127 but with less than 127 buttons Smile
personnaly i just use slot from 1 to 4 and have then 32 PC to change . That's enough for me .
3 things to know when modifying the template to customize to our need :

The "slot 1" 
127 midi Progam Change(PC) on a Stream Deck page Slot_110
is also an (init) button , it will trigger the first time the streamdeck is started :
here is the code

The import variable is : @GChanA:2 
Here you can change globaly the Channel . In this example all PC are sent on channel 2

The PC button are updated dynamicaly depending the selected slot , up to 128 PC then :

127 midi Progam Change(PC) on a Stream Deck page Slot_610

Here the slot is 6 ;then the PC goes from 81 to 96

IF you want to remove PC button and/or  bank button you will have to dig a little to change some parameters in the PC and slot button :

For the slot button there is a switch that will change the state of one slot button depending of the state of the other button :

A slot code is : 

In the example the Button is "Slot 3" 

127 midi Progam Change(PC) on a Stream Deck page Slot_310

 the variable that check wich Slot is pressed is @ObSb here.

depend of the state of the other buton :
Then when the "Slot 3" is pressed the @ObSb is set to 2 and the button have state 1 but when another slot is pressed , the button will go back to state 0. And as the @ObSb changed from 2 it will trigger a state 0 to the "Slot 3" button .

Now the PC button :
The code is :
[(@OberBank:0-127){@l_n:1}{@l_OberBank:#@OberBank * 16 + @l_n#}{text:Pc #@l_OberBank# \n\n}]
[(press){pc:#@GChanA#,#@l_OberBank - 1  #}]
2 important things :
A variable:  @l_n:1   It's the number of the PC button on the screen . here it's my first button then  @l_n = 1
The second important thing here is "16" in @l_OberBank:#@OberBank * 16  + @l_n#
It's the total number of button on the screen of the Streamdeck .
If you want less or more PC button change this .

That's it ! Hope it will be usefull for another PC user ! Smile

I would like to Thanks so mutch Trevliga to help me along the building of this simple template and for all his incredible work ! Thhhaaannnk you so mutch !!!
127 midi Progam Change(PC) on a Stream Deck page Attachment
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